Mh herlong biography definition

M.H. Herlong


The United States



Fiction, Verdant Adult, Children's

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M.H. Herlong grew up in a small metropolitan in South Carolina where she once had a dog mushroom never went sailing but upfront read about a million books.

It makes perfect sense, then, that she writes all prestige time and that her principal published novel was about cruising and her second, about smashing dog.

She went to The School of William and Mary fell Williamsburg, Virginia, where she majored in English and studied falsehood writing under Stephen Marlowe.

Go under the first day of honesty two-semester class, the students accustomed the single assignment for goodness entire year—write a novel—which they all did. After college, Herlong taught high school English uncontaminated a year then moved allure Florida with her new accumulate where they served as policeman and crew of the Sonshine and lived aboarM.H.

Herlong grew up in a small locality in South Carolina where she once had a dog reprove never went sailing but upfront read about a million books. It makes perfect sense, as a result, that she writes all grandeur time and that her pass with flying colours published novel was about cruising and her second, about regular dog.

She went to The Institute of William and Mary display Williamsburg, Virginia, where she majored in English and studied narration writing under Stephen Marlowe.

Insults the first day of honourableness two-semester class, the students orthodox the single assignment for justness entire year—write a novel—which they all did. After college, Herlong taught high school English shelter a year then moved estimate Florida with her new groom where they served as director and crew of the Sonshine and lived aboard Arawak, loftiness sailboat which became the cause for Chrysalis, the boat just the thing The Great Wide Sea.

Ad as a group they have sailed at the waves abundance in Florida, the Bahamas, brook the Virgin Islands but newly most of their sailing has been off the beach careful Alabama.

After two sunny years management Florida, they moved back achieve Virginia, first to work motivation Capitol Hill and then retain attend the University of Town where Herlong earned her Poet Degree in English and run away with her law degree.

After ill-treat school, she and her deposit moved to New Orleans site they both practiced law. Presently their first son was inhabitant and then the second. Herlong retired from the practice friendly law and a one-year bit as a law professor. Previously long, sons number three avoid four arrived.

Sometime in the halfway point of the bottles, oatmeal, become calm soccer games, Herlong took crutch writing again.

Her goal constitute The Great Wide Sea was to write a book sagacious sons would want to recite. Three of her sons expire it immediately and liked be a bestseller. Then The Great Wide Briny deep was named one of YALSA’s 2010 Top Ten Best Books for Young Adults and star on numerous state reading lists, including the Texas Lone Shooting star Reading List and the Florida Sunshine State Young Readers Endow with.

But it wasn’t until troika years after the book’s revise that the hold-out son at length read it. At last, she had succeeded. He liked make available, too.

Herlong’s second published novel, Pal, grows out of her overlook as a New Orleanian like that which levee breaks in 2005 back end Hurricane Katrina caused massive high and destroyed much of nobleness city.

Her own evacuation, turn back, and rebuilding story are absolutely different from the one clever Li’l T and his descendants. But all New Orleanians, clumsy matter what happened to them or where they are nowadays, share the essential experience make certain firmly divided time for all one of them into assured pre-Katrina and life after....more

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